April 2, 2014

Colorful Deviled Eggs (+ 13 Easter Tutorials!)

It's time for another fun blog hop with some of my favorite blogging buddies! This week, we're sharing an "egg-celent" Easter round-up. And, on deck for me is an Easter side dish, deviled eggs, but with a colorful twist. Cute, eh? My daughter was delighted by this unexpected surprise and you can bet I'll be making them again on Easter. In my true style, these were a total breeze to make. You guys know I don't do complicated recipes! 

My recipe is below and then you'll find the links to the 12 other adorable ideas. Ahhh, I just love Easter and Spring!

Colorful Deviled Eggs

(printable recipe here)

1 Dozen Eggs, hard boiled (I cheat and use already boiled eggs from Eggland's Best...shhhh)
1/2 C Mayonaise 
1 T Brown Mustard
1 T Pickle Juice
Salt & Pepper to taste
Paprika, to garnish
Pink Gel Food Coloring
Blue Gel Food Coloring
Yellow Gel Food Coloring

Cut each hard-boiled egg lengthwise, making 24 pieces. Remove the yolk center and set aside in a mixing bowl. Add mayo, mustard, salt/pepper and pickle juice. Mix very well until filling is smooth. Add a drop or two of the pink food coloring to create the pale orange filling. Set filling aside.

To dye the eggs, take 3 bowls out and fill with water. To one bowl, add a few drops of pink food coloring, until desired hue is obtained. In the second bowl, add blue and a tiny bit of green to make an aqua blue. In the third bowl, place pink and blue to make violet (more red than blue). Obviously, these colors can be changed per your desired outcome. Submerge egg halves into bowls and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Remove the eggs and place them on a paper towel to dry. While they dry, take a ziplock bag and place an icing tip into the corner of the bag. Cut a tiny slit and push tip through corner. Fill the bag with your orange egg filling and pipe a portion into each egg center ***

***this might seem like an unnecessarily frilly step, but trust me, it makes filling your eggs a total breeze! It's mess-free and the clean up is a piece of cake. Trust me! Pipe the filling once and you'll never go back to spooning it in :)

Finish eggs with a sprinkle of paprika! 

Check out the other 12 Easter ideas below! Aren't they so cute?! To visit each project, click the image or click the links below.

Bombshell Bling Four Marrs One Venus Sweet C's Designs That's What Che Said... Design Dining & Diapers The Happy Housie Girl Loves Glam Crazy Little Projects 52 Mantels Classy Clutter The Cards We Drew Dimple Prints Gigglees Galore Image Map

Happy Easter preppin' :)


Like what you see? Follow 52 Mantels!

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I link up here and here!


  1. Looks super delicious. My kids will love these especially that they're so colorful.

  2. Wow! That's cool. I never thought of doing that. A definite project for me and kids. :)

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