December 11, 2013

Thursdays are YOUR Days!

Who's ready for a FUN party?! I sure am! Today, I'm staying home from Bible Study with a sickly kiddo, which means I was THIS close to forgetting about this party. I'm such a creature of routine, I guess! Whew! Glad remembered at the last minute :)

If you stopped by earlier, you may have read my post about green Christmas ideas. If not, I wanted you to know that New Leaf Energy is planting 1 new tree for every 1 new FB like they receive! How awesome! Go, give them some facebook love and help them plant some trees :)

This week on 52 Mantels:

On Friday, I shared my DIY Christmas Advent Tree

On Monday, I showed you some Free Printable Christmas Tags

And, today, I shared 13 Upcycled Christmas Projects plus ways I'm teaching my daughter to be green!

To see what I've been PinningTweeting and Sharing, check out my PinterestTwitter and Facebook pages!

If you want to follow me in Instagram, click here

And, what about you?? What have you been doing lately? Link up your recent projects so we can admire!

1) If you aren't following 52 Mantels, please do so!
(But, hey, even if you don't, you can still party with us. We're cool like that.)
2) This is a party, so mix and mingle. Please check out some of your fellow party-goers!
3) Grab my button and put it in your post, on your blog or just add a text link back to 52 Mantels!
4) Feel free to link up as many posts as you'd like

52 Mantels


Like what you see? Follow 52 Mantels!

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I link up here and here!


  1. Love this party! Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a great rest of your week!

  2. Thanks for hosting, Emily! Enjoy the rest of your week:)

  3. Thank you for hosting a great party Emily! Have a very merry Christmas!

  4. Emily, I always love your parties. Hope y'all have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  5. Thanks so much for hosting :-) I have enjoyed hanging out at your blog!

  6. I hope your little girl is feeling better, Emily. It's so easy to forget this time of year while we have such a plateful of events and tasks. Thanks for hosting - always a pleasure to link up here.

    Robyn @


  7. Thank you for hosting! Merry Christmas!

  8. Thank you so much for hosting Emily. Happy Holiday to you and your Family!


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