December 11, 2013

13 Upcycled Christmas Ideas {+ Teaching Our Kids to Live Greener Lifestyles}

(***full tutorials can be found in the links below***)
Row 1:
(Left) Old Christmas cards into Christmas Card Display (52 Mantels) 
(Middle) Poinsettia Ornament from toilet paper roll (The Crafty Crow) 
(Right) Old Ornaments into Christmas Wreath (52 Mantels)
Row 2: 
(Left) Recycled Cookie Cutters into Ornaments (Martha Stewart)
(Middle) Kid Scribbles into Gift Bows (Lines Across)
(Right) Used Tin Cans into Advent Calendar (Skip to my Lou)
Row 3:
(Left) Leftover Fabric Scraps into No-Sew Ornaments (52 Mantels)
(Middle) Antique Ornaments and Scrap Wood into Christmas Tree Art (The Space Between)
(Right) Old Silver into Vintage Ornaments (52 Mantels via See Vanessa Craft)
Row 4:
(Left) Newspaper scraps and yarn into Yarn Ball Wreath (Cherished Bliss)
(Right) Bottle Caps into Christmas Tree Art (C.R.A.F.T)
Row 5:
(Left) Pallet Wood Christmas Tree (Cherished Bliss)
(Right) Plastic Bags into Gift Bows (C.R.A.F.T)

Today, I've got 13 green Christmas ideas, all about upcycled decor. Because, today I'm teaming up with New Leaf Energy and talking about ways I, as a momma, am teaching my daughter to live a greener lifestyle. What do handmade ornaments and upcycled gift bows have to do with being green? Whenever we can repurpose unused items and make them useful (and/or beautiful!) again, we are being kind to our earth. And, because our children watch our every move, they're seeing us living greener lifestyles, without us even saying a word! 

There are so many simple ways to live greener lives. In our home, we upcycle a LOT of items, not just at Christmastime. This past year, we also started our very first garden and began composting our scraps. And, in early Spring, my husband installed 2 rain barrels to help with our watering needs (and, in dry Texas, this is especially important!). Little things that we can do as a family, like gardening and DIY home projects, are not only important to our family culture, but also our earth! 

This year, even my toddler got into the gardening, as evidenced by the photo I shared this Spring on Instagram :)

New Leaf Energy and their mascot, Pablo B. Green, are joining our green efforts this Christmas! With every new "like" they receive on Facebook (between now and 12/23), they'll be planting 1 new tree. How cool is that? 

What are you waiting for, go plant a tree! :) 

What are some ways you teach YOUR kiddos to live greener lifestyles?! I'd love to hear your ideas! 

***Disclosure: New Leaf Energy has sponsored today's discussion. #PlantingWithPablo


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  1. We teach our kids to turn off the lights when we aren't in a room. Simple but important.

    Thanks for the Christmas ideas. I really like them.


  2. Great collection of Christmas ideas. We definitely try to teach our kids important lessons like turning off lights, closing exterior doors when coming in and turning off the water when not in use {i.e. during brushing teeth}.

    1. Great ideas, Shannah. That last one is a hard one for my little to remember, but we're working on it :)

  3. Love all the "green" Christmas ideas, wonderful post! A few green rules I try to reinforce in our home are:
    -turn off the water while brushing your teeth
    -turn off lights in a room when it is not in use
    -place recycling where everyone can use it

  4. Thank you so much for including my tree in this great round-up!! I'm all about the greener side of life. :)

    1. No prob! I love your tree!! Beautiful AND green! :)

  5. Energy and their mascot, Someone To Write An Essay For Me Pablo B. Green, are joining our green efforts this Christmas

  6. Each upcycled project is accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions, making it simple for families to get involved and create something special together. These activities provide a hands-on way to teach kids about recycling and the importance of reducing waste, fostering a mindset of sustainability from an early age. By participating in these creative endeavors, children learn that they can make a positive impact on the environment through small, thoughtful actions.
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