June 28, 2013

Gallery Wall Details {from my Hallway Makeover!}

Two Fridays ago, I shared my hallway makeover (with stenciled walls and board and batten!) and I promised I'd share a bit more about my gallery wall. The gallery wall is at the end of my hallway and makes me smile every time I walk past it. :)

Remember my before/after shot?? Yes, it was a long, drab, dark hallway before the B&B. We still need to update the lighting (and add more!), but the white and gray paint help brighten it up a LOT. Also, you might see that my table got a little paint job. Hello sunny yellow! It's a lovely, fresh color, don't you think?!

My gallery wall is pretty eclectic, but I kept to 3 basic colors (yellow, aqua and red) and repeated each of those colors 3-5 times. I like odd numbers. I think it helps keep everything cohesive. Which brings me to my first tip:

Tip 1: Add varying textures, shapes, colors and finishes. This will help your wall feel "collected". I have burlap, reclaimed wood, a glossy finished frame, faux brick (on my favorite Evie Ivy "Be Kind" sign!), paper, metal and a woven basket (s souvenir from Uganda). Talk about varying textures!

The tutorial for my chalkboard "FUL" sign can be found here, by the way.

So, I don't really have any tips for planning your wall, as far as where to hang things. Because, honestly? I just wing it. One picture up and I go from there. I've done a handful of gallery walls and the "just wing it" mentality always works for me. My trick is to just go for it and patch holes later. :)

But, this leads me to my second tip...

Tip #2: Gather more gallery wall elements then you'll need- especially small items. When I'm creating a gallery wall and getting to the last few elements, I always find myself with small or oddly shaped spaces to fill. For that reason, I always have extra fillers to help me round everything out. In this case, the metal M and the two long, thin paper tags came in handy for filling some odd areas! :)

Tip #3: Use a piece of painters tape (or, ahem, washi tape) to place pictures. Huh, you say? Let me tell you. The above picture demonstrates a brilliant tip I picked up somewhere that changed my picture-hanging life. This is for items that have 2 fixed hangers on the backside. You know the type? Those things are impossible to get right without a ruler or a string or a wish and a prayer! Well, this trick is so simple: Stretch a piece of tape between the two hangers, poke a hole through the tape in the appropriate places, place the tape on your wall and hammer nails directly into the holes. Easy, peasy!!

Tip #4: Use a laser level. Seriously. I can't hang pictures without one. Especially if you wing it, like I do, the laser level will be your BFF. It's so simple to line everything up with this puppy! Trust me on this one.

So, that's that. My gallery wall full of family pictures! Do you have a gallery wall? I have a whole pinterest board dedicated to them, so you know I'm a fan! :)

Happy Friday!


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  1. I love all the color and texture in your wall gallery. The yellow table is adorable too. Very creative. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Michelle thebashfulnest.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks so much!! I appreciate it :) I love yellow!

  2. I love it!! It looks fabuluous!! I use the painters tape trick all the time. It is the best thing!! Love the yellow table too! Great job!!

    1. Thanks, Crystal!! I love the tape trick. So handy!! :)

  3. Love everything! very nice wall gallery you have! the yellow table brightens up everything! :-)

  4. Can you just come do this at my house?

  5. LOve it, think I'll borrow some of your ideas for hanging a gallery wall. Great job. Love the new board/batten and wall above, beautiful. Happy summer

    1. Thanks so much!! I appreciate it :)

      Happy Summer to you!

  6. Love love love love love .... It's all framed within your new B and B walls so beautifully - awesome job!!

  7. Loved this! Pinned it.

  8. Super Cute Gallery Wall, I love all the bright colors


    Creative Raisins

  9. OMG That is amazing!!! The before and after is WOW!! You should come share that on "DIY Showcase"! I co-host it every week! It starts tomm!!!

    Shelly @ minettesmaze.blogspot.com

  10. I love this so much! The red and teal make it just adorable! I would LOVE for you to share this over at my link party, Ginger Jamboree! I also have a great giveaway going on that you should enter!

  11. Love your wall and all of your tips are great! Hope you are doing well!

    Take care,


  12. Wow, I love your style Emily. Everything on the gallery wall is so pretty and interesting. I love the frame with Morgenstern written around it. It looks so neat, and as someone who also has a long name, I want to give it a try. If I hadn't already said, the hallway is AMAZING!!! Great job!

  13. I love this Emily! The color scheme is so great! The pops of red are probably my favorite, and those baskets are beautiful. I also love your B&B hallway... so amazing. Wish I had the patience to attempt it! Haha! Have a great weekend :)

  14. Wow! That gallery wall and hallway are stunning and so bright and happy. You did an amazing job. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Thank you so much for the shout out! I love your wall! You did an amazing job! And I am drooling over your hallway! Thanks again!

  16. Love your hallway makeover and gallery wall! I'd smile every time I walked by too! It's bright and cheerful and filled with positive energy and colors not to mention, reminders to by joyful. I have a very short small hallway but thought it might be nice to try to decorate around the thermostat. You've given me some great inspiration!

  17. تعد النظافة احد أكثر الأشياء التي يجب الاهتمام به حتي نحافظ علي صحتنا وصحة أولادنا وحتي نعيش في بيئة خاليه من الأوبئة والأمراض المنتشرة حاليا في البيئة ولكن مهمة النظافة تؤرق الكثير من الناس أما بسبب كبر سعة المنزل أو الفلل الخاصة بكم ولكن مع شركه تنظيف بالدمام  نوفر عليكم كل هذا العناء من خلال تقديم لكم العديد من الخدمات المتميزة من خلال طاقم عمل كبير مدرب على أعلى مستوي في عملية النظافة حتي نقدم لكم افضل خدمة في عملية التنظيف شركه تنظيف بالدمام شركه تنظيف بالدمام
    شركه تنظيف بالخبر
    تعتبر شركة مؤسسة الشرق الاوسط بالدمام افضل شركة غسيل كنب بالدمام يقوم فريق مؤسسة الشرق لاوسط بعد اتصالكم بتنظيف الكنب بالدمام مباشره يقوم فريق العمل بمعاينه الكنب المراد غسيل كلنا نعرف جيدا ان هناك مشكله بسبب كثرة الاستخدام للكنب او البطرمه فى الدمام او فى المنازل السعوديه يوجد مشكله فى تغير لو ن الكنب مما يؤدى اللى الحاجه اللى عمليات غسيل ونظافه للكنب بالدمام الدينا فريق العمل مخصص فى عملية غسيل الكنب ونظافته بالدمام ليس هذا فقط نقوم عملية غسيل لفرش الكنب بالدمام لاشك ان الكنب له عمليات استخدام ولابد ان يكون منظره رائع دائما لهذا شركة تنظيف كنب بالدمام

  18. شركة التاج الملكي أرخص وأفضل وأكبر

    شركة تنظيف ابوظبى
    ، فتمتلك العديد من المقومات الرائعة التي تميزها عن غيرها من الشركات، حيث أن التنظيف يعتبر من الأمور الشاقة للغاية للمرأة خاصة إذا كانت المرأة تعمل فيكون ليس لديها وقت فارغ لتتم عملية التنظيف، حيث أن

    شركة تنظيف فى ابوظبى
    تمتلك عمالة مدربة على مستوى عالي من الجودة ولديهم خبرة تتعدي الخمس سنوات في مجال التنظيف، فالمرأة تكتشف البقع من بقايا المشروبات والطعام فلابد على أي مرأة أكتشافها لهذه البقع أن تقوم بالأتصال على الفور على

    شركة تنظيف مسابح ابوظبى
    ، حتى تعمل

    شركات تنظيف المنازل ابوظبى
    على تنظيف جميع الغرف والمطابخ والحمامات التي توجد في البيوت.

    تنظف فلل ابوظبى

    ماذا تقدم لعملائها

    شركة تنظيف شقق ابوظبى
    العديد من الخدمات والمميزات لعملائها حيث تعتبر من أفضل الشركات التي تعمل في مجال التنظيف، فتستخدم

    خدمات تنظيف ابوظبى
    العديد من المساحيق التي تعمل على إزالة البقع نهائياً.

    حيث تستخدم

    تنظيف منازل ابوظبى
    مساحيق خاصة لأزالة بقايا الطعام من المطابخ وخاصة السيراميك فالمطبخ لابد من تنظيفه جيداً وعدم أهماله حتى لا تتراكم الدهون والشحوم، كما أن المطبخ لابد من تعقيمه وترتيبه بأستمرار حتى لا يراكم الحشرات الزاحفة والطائرة وتعمل على تلوث الطعام وإصابة الإنسان بالأمراض.
    كما أن

  19. cao đông trùng hạ thảo từ ngàn đời nay được mọi người xem là một loại thần dược trong việc chữa trị bách bệnh và bồi bổ cơ thể. Do đặc điểm sinh học của cao đông trùng hạ thảo Hàn Quốc vừa là động vật vừa là thực vật, vừa sống vào mùa đông vừa sống vào mùa hè nên đây là một loại dược liệu có công dụng cải lão hoàn đồng, phục hồi sức khỏe cực kỳ hiệu quả. Chính vì những công dụng tuyệt vời mà cao dong trung ha thao Han Quoc mang lại nên trong những năm gần đây rất nhiều người đã tìm hiểu và sử dụng cao dong trung ha thao với mục đích giữ gìn sức khỏe.

  20. احصل على العديد من العروض المقدمة من شركة سفرك على اسعار حجز فنادق فى ماليزيا باقل الاسعار كما تحصل على فرصة التعرف على افضل فنادق تايلاند من خلال التواصل معنا الان كما تتعرف على افضل منتجع فى المالديف واقل سعر حجز للرحلات فقط زور موقعنا الان

  21. Các sản phẩm giá máy thêu tại công ty đều được đảm bảo uy tín, bán máy thêu cũ cam kết sản phẩm nhập khẩu chính hãng và máy thêu tajima 20 đầu có chính sách bảo hành bảo dưỡng phù hợp giúp đảm bảo chất lượng cho người sử dụng.

  22. Ginseng House Cửa hàng cung cấp và phân phối Hồng Sâm Hàn Quốc chính hãng Giao Hàng Tận Nơi Bán Giá Rẻ Nhất Tại HCM Miễn Phí Vận Chuyển.Cung cấp sản phẩm hồng sâm, đông trùng hạ thảo, linh chi, nhung hươu, trà sâm, kẹo sâm


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