January 28, 2013

Valentine's Day Mantel {by the Grant Life}

Hey 52 mantel friends!  My name is Kelley and I blog over at the Grant life.  Emily and I have been friends since I first started my little blog.  She has been such an inspiration too - I am a full blown mantel addict.  In fact I shared my first ever mantle scape here.  [How cool is that?]  So of course I am super excited to be sharing my Valentine's mantel with y'all!

I'm not really into the big hoorah of Valentine's Day so my mantel is more about the people I love.  Plus double lace banners.  I have been on a lace kick lately. 

The 'Love' banner was a countdown to Christmas sign that I refashioned for V-day.  I kept the books and the little painted bird house from my Christmas mantel

The bigger banner was leftover from my Thanksgiving mantel.  For the smaller banner I folded over and glued the lace and ribbon to the jute.  It came out great and was so simple to make. 

I added some pictures of my babes and our family picture from our Michigan vacation to the bottom of the mantel.  I may not be into all the Valentine's hoopla but I sure love my little family. 

Thank you Emily for letting me share my simple Valentine's mantel today!  I would love for y'all to stop by the Grant life and say hello if you get a chance! 



Thanks so much for sharing, Kelley! I love the sweet family touches.

Go check out the Grant life if you haven't already! 


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    صيانة ثلاجات توشيبا بالرياض
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  3. هذه الأعطال قد تحدث فجأة دون سابق إندار ويجب الاتصال بشركة تصليح ثلاجات التابعة لنوع الثلاجة الخاصة بك اذا كانت في الضمان أو شركة متخصصة أخري في تصليح الثلاجات وشرح المشكلة مبدئيا في الهاتف والمتابعة معهم حتي الوصول الي حل للمشكلة وإصلاح الثلاجة ويفضل عمل صيانة دوريه للثلاجة كل عام بالمتابعة مع شركة الصيانة الخاصة بنوع الثلاجة.
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