November 16, 2012

Silhouette Cameo GIVEAWAY!


It's time! This Silhouette Cameo could be YOURS! Your crafting possibilities are endless. Are you as excited as we are? We thought we'd provide you with links to some of our projects to create some excitement and get those creative juices flowing. If you don't win -- you could always ask Santa to bring you one for Christmas, right? May you find inspiration and excitement.

Now on to what you've all been waiting for! Please note that winning entries are verified. You must complete the required entry for other entries to be valid. GOOD LUCK! a Rafflecopter giveaway

On another note, I'm over at tatertots & jello today sharing a Christmas tutorial as part of Jen's Happy Holidays series. Go check it out!!


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  1. Would I keep it or gift it???? Um....keep it! Selfish? Maybe. :)

  2. I'd definitely keep it for myself. But I'd give away some of the things I've made as gifts! it's a win-win

  3. I would totally keep it!!! I mean, I'm nice and all, but that is one thing I would not re-give! lol

  4. I would most definitely keep it! I love all the possibilities and the gifts to give would be endless. - Melanie

  5. Would I ever!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Sadly, I would have to gift it to my bestie who is a wonderful, selfless mother of twin girls under the age of 2 as well as a newborn. She is the best and deserves a nice gift. (But don't fool yourself in thinking I won't be using it all the time!) :)

  7. Ummm...seriously? Do you really need to ask? I would definitely keep it!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  8. KEEP!! I've been wanting one of these babies for awhile ;)

  9. Keep Keep Keep!!!! Of course :)

  10. I would definitely keep it! The endless crafting possibilities.... Oh My!

  11. This would be the perfect Christmas gift - ummm, for me of course!

  12. my sister-in-law would go crazy if i gave it to her!

  13. Keep it! I have been wanting o e for a whole but have not taken the plunge de to costs!

  14. My wonderful, 3rd grade teaching daughter would be the recipient of this wonderful giveaway. She was wanted one for so long, and I just couldn't afford to buy it for her. Thanks, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  15. Keep it! I keep drooling over all of the crafts you can do with one of these, but cannot justify it for myself as I am busy buying for the family for Christmas and my daughter's Dec. birthday.

  16. Actually, I bought one a few months ago- LOVE IT! So I would share the love and donate it to my kids' school:)

  17. I would keep it, but definitely share with all my friends.

  18. I would Keep the cameo... I've been wanting one for a long time!!! I'd certainly appreciate it :)

  19. Keep it and make wonderful gifts to give away! Tina

  20. I would give to my newly-married daughter as a belated wedding gift.

  21. Totally keep it! However, I'd then donate my Cricut to the Children's Hospital where I volunteer.

  22. I would gift it even though I'd love to keep it. I know just the person that would create amazing things if she had this gift!

  23. Keep it, DUH! But I would make gifts for other people.

  24. I would totally keep it! I don't have a cutting machine and am always borrowing from my friends. I would love to have one of my own. Thank you, Evelynne Griffith

  25. I would so keep this...and make gifts for everyone!

  26. I would totally keep it....but would be super generous with all the crafty goodies I would create!

  27. No, I would give it to my mother for Christmas. :)

  28. Oh, I would keep it at my house but let my family all use it too. What a great giveaway. Lots of luck to all.

  29. Oh, I would keep it at my house but let my family all use it too. What a great giveaway. Lots of luck to all.

  30. I would absolutely positively keep that thing! Although if anyone wanted to use it, the could come on over!!

  31. I would definitely keep it! :)

  32. I would give it to my sweet mama! She does so much for me already! Better to give than to receive!

  33. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! I would definitely keep this if I won it -- so much fun!!

  34. I would be selfish and keep it!! Too many awesome things you can do with it!

  35. I'd keep it and share with anyone that wanted to use it!! Thanks.

  36. i would keep it for myself
    hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

  37. Thanks so much, Emily, for this great opportunity. I have entered every possible way I can and will just sit back now and hope for the best. I have so many projects I would like to do on the new Silhouette Portrait!!

  38. I would keep it for myself. Merry Christmas to me!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  39. I would keep it~then make lots of nice things for others!

  40. oh, man....a generous, unselfish conundrum. i thought about it good hard....there's just ONE person i've told about this fabulous machine that ALMOST wants it as badly as i do. the reason i say ALMOST is because i've lusted heavily over this one since they came out and she JUST found out about it from me this week., in the interest of teaching/mentoring and maybe a little showing off....i would keep it. then show her how to use it and make it available for her to borrow until she could win or get one of her own. was that a good way to be unselfish?

  41. I would keep it to use on gifts for other people! Best of both worlds! :)

  42. I would keep it but I am a good at sharing,would share with my crafty daughter

  43. I would keep it!

    ayed2016 at aol dot com

  44. I'd so keep it. I'd keep it and use it every day! ; )

  45. Absolutely keep it. I know it is selfish but I would share it as much as I could.

  46. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!! I love you and this giveaway!! I NEEEEEED one of these ;]]

  47. I would keep it, but I'd share!!!! :)

  48. I would have to keep this!
    Rafflecopter:Mechele JOhnson

  49. I'd keep it but I'd be making TONS of gifts for other people. I was just looking at possibly buying one, saw the price, then cried. You're my only hope. Oh man that sounded desperate.

  50. I'd keep it, but share with my crafty friends and family.

    Thanks for the chance!
    sandralclark at

  51. I would love to have one - thank you for the chance to enter,
    Peggy @ The Painted Pear

  52. Thanks for the Giveaway!I am somewhat new to the blog but I'm absolutely loving everything I have seen!

  53. I would love to have the Cameo and definitely share it with my daughter and friends!

  54. I would keep it.

  55. Oh the things I could make with this!

  56. Without a doubt I would keep it for myself!

  57. I would love to gift it, BUT this bad boy would be MINE.

  58. I'm the crafty mama in my family but everyone who would like to use it will be more than welcome to do so, sharing is caring! and I would be totally blessed to win one since at the moment hubby is out of work and there are other priorities in the house. Bless you all!

  59. I would keep it... :) And use it for gifts for other people! :D

  60. I would totally keep it. I've been wanting one for so long!!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Keep it! But I would definitely share the things I could make with it!

  63. Great giveaway! I would keep it for sure!! :) Happy Holidays!

  64. Maybe I'm selfish, but I would keep it!!!

  65. من اجود وارخص الشركات التي توجد في منطقة مكة المكرمة والتي تعمل في مجال نقل العفش مع الفك والتركيب تلك الشركة الجيدة التي تقدم خدمات جيدة وتسمى افضل ارخص شركة نقل اثاث بجدة ايضا وهي التي تختص بنقل العفش من بيت الى بيت آخر في مدينة جدة وما جاورها من مناطق تابعة لها وقد نضطر قبل نقل العفش الى المكان الجديد الى تنظيف المنزل الجديد قبل النقل من افضل شركات منطقة مكة المكرمة التي تعمل في مجال تنظيف وتعقيم المنازل تلك الشركة الجيدة التي تقدم خدمات جيدة في تنظيف المنازل من الداخل ومن الخارج وتسمى شركة تنظيف منازل بجدة وهي التي تختص بأعمال التنظيف للمنازل الجديدة والمفروشة ومن الأفضل ان تقوم بعمل مكافحة للحشرات بالتواصل مع افضل واقوى الشركات التي تقدم خدمات مكافحة حشرات المنزل البق والصراصير والنمل والعته تلك التي تستخدم مبيدات آمنة وفعالة ومضمونة مثل افضل شركه مكافحه حشرات بجده التي تتعامل في مكافحة الحشرات وتستخدم مبيدات آمنة ومضمونة ونحتاج ايضا الى تنظيف الخزان وذلك بالتعرف على اكبر وافضل واقوى شركات تنظيف خزانات المياه بجدة تلك التي تقوم بأعمال تنظيف وتعقيم خزانات المياه في جدة بمنتهى الدقة والاحترافية وتقدم ايضا شركه نظافه خزانات بجده افضل الخدمات الجيدة في تنظيف وتعقيم الخزانات لكي تحافظ على الماء نظيفا ومعقما اطول فترة زمنية ممكنة لكي تكون مياهك نظيفة فان شركه مكافحه البق مستعدة لاستقبال مكالمتكم في أي وقت وطلب الخدمة


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