November 12, 2012

Fantastic Fall Mantels {Features!}

Happy Mantel Monday! I am so excited to share with you 16 Fantastic Fall Mantels (and, ahem, Faux Mantels) today. Judging from my Instagram feed, some of you have already moved on to Christmas. But, I'm holding out on decorating my mantel until after Thanksgiving. I can't break sacred traditions just for the sake of a blog, can I?! :)

(To be honest, I've very much enjoyed watching the Christmas decorations roll out in Blogland and I've even started getting my Christmas craft on...but I'm saving my mantel and tree for after next Thursday! Anyone else??) 

This Fantastic Fall Mantel Round-up was compiled from the awesome mantels linked up last month at our Fall Mantel Link Party (remember that far back?!). I've enjoyed perusing the fab decor and SO appreciate everyone who linked up! And, in case you need more inspiration, I'll be sharing a few more next Monday! 

Dimples & Tangles
A Night Owl
Becoming Martha
Chase the Star

Cherished Bliss
Fox Hollow Cottage
It's Overflowing
Liz Marie Blog
Queen B Creative Me
Savvy Southern Style
The Winthrop Chronicles
View Along the Way
Mom 4 Real
Number Fifty-Three
To see a few of my past Fall mantels, click the pictures below! 

PS. Did you enter to win the AWESOME giveaway from yesterday? $700 worth of goodies including brand new Silhouette Portrait. You'll definitely want to go enter!! 

PPS. On Friday, I'll be teaming up with more friends and sharing another giveaway...for another Silhouette. Yippee!!


Like what you see? Follow 52 Mantels!

52 Mantels
52 Mantels
52 Mantels
52 Mantels
52 Mantels

I link up here and here!


  1. Emily, thanks so much for featuring my mantle! The variety of all of the mantels you chose is so fun! I'm with you, not even thinking about Christmas decor until Thanksgiving is over. It seems like Thanksgiving is a few days early this year, so I don't feel the time crunch as much as normal.

  2. Thanks so much, Emily! I'm so honored to me featured with such wonderful mantels, especially since it is a spot in my house I have always struggled w/ decorating. And, I'm still totally rolling out the Thanksgiving and fall projects! Love this time of year!


  3. Wow...what gorgeous mantels. They are all so beautiful that I couldn't pick a favorite!

  4. Thank you so much for the feature, Emily! All the beautiful inspiration shots make me excited for next fall already! (I know, I know, all in due time.) :)

  5. Thanks for the feature,Emily! I was so surprised to see my mantel in your final round-up! Many hugs to you!

  6. I have fallen off the mantel decorating wagon and I can't seem to get back on. It's still the same as spring. I do know it will be done for Christmas, but maybe, just maybe I can still pull something out before Thanksgiving Day arrives.


  7. Those were some great mantels. I love the green mirror, the blue pumpkins and the peacock painting. I need a new look at my house.

  8. Oh I love these mantels thanks so much for featuring mine!

  9. Thanks so much for the feature : ) : ) : )

  10. Thanks so much for the feature! : ) : )

  11. Good stuff, Emily! I'm with you -- got the Christmas itch, but will hold off until Thanksgiving is (barely) in the rear view mirror. :-)
    xo Heidi

  12. Those are some fabulous mantels. I am so with you on holding off until Christmas. I've been working on Christmas stuff but always wait until after Thanksgiving to bring any of it out.

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