February 15, 2012

Thursdays are YOUR Days, Vol. 6

Linky party, linky party. It's time for a linky party! Thanks for stopping by and linking up your creative post(s). I love getting to know you through your projects.

Speaking of gettin' to know you, I jumped on the Linky followers bandwagon. Seems like I may be losing some wordpress folks soon. Boo! But, if you follow on linky, all should be fine. Let me know if you start following me. I'd love to come visit your blog and say hi. Maybe have a cup of tea and a little chat! Wouldn't that be lovely??

Before you link up your projects, I'll show you mine! This week on 52 Mantels:

Last Friday I shared a tutorial for a Subway Art Frame (complete with a misspelled city name! How embarrassing!)
On Monday, Holly from My Sister's Suitcase did a guest mantel for our Mantel Monday!

On Tuesday I showed you this easy and delicious trifle recipe...!

And, my lil' cutie wished you a Happy Valentine's Day!

Plus, I showed you some awesome highlights from last week's party

And, what about you?? Link up your projects so we can admire!
1) If you aren't following 52 Mantels, please do so!
2) This is a party, so mix and mingle. Please check out some of your fellow party-goers!
3) Grab my button and put it in your post, on your blog or just add a text link back to 52 Mantels!
4) Feel free to link up as many posts as you'd like

52 Mantels


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  1. I cant see the button to link up... is it just my horrible computer?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just linked up! Thanks for hosting, always love your parties!

  4. Emily,
    Just thought you might want to know that, we are having to link up twice to make it work...this happened last week too. Thank you for hosting:)


  5. Hi ladies!! SO SO sorry for the linking troubles. I think (I hope!) I've fixed it now. I went in and changed some of the coding and then did a link test and it worked great for me. If you still have issues, let me know and I'll try my very bestest to resolve them!! :)

    Thanks for linking up!! I love seeing your goodies!

  6. Thanks for being the hostess with the mostess!

  7. I am a new follower from www.Mamawsplace4.blogspot.com. I am following with Google as well as Linky. I would love for you to follow me back. My favorite Pampered Chef item is my Trifle bowl and every church function or Thirty One party or family gettogether somebody requests the Reese's Brownie Peanut Butter Trifle. I am a little burned out on it. I am having an open house Saturday for my Thirty One business and I am going to make your Butterfinger Trifle. Thanks for the idea.

  8. Hahaha, I didn't even notice the misspelling...still LOVE the frame. :)

    Thanks so much for hosting.

  9. Just linked up! Thanks for hosting. I'm a new linky follower as well. I'd love for you to follow me back if you'd like. Thanks so much!

  10. Thanks for hosting Emily!!! I follow 52mantles...every way I can! XO, Aimee

  11. Thanks for hosting, friend :)
    Happy Thursday to you!!

  12. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful party! Have a fabulous day :)

  13. Another great party - thanks! Linking up my Dream Kitchen Reno (and you know I'm a FB follower - now GFC and Linky too)!

  14. As always, thanks so much for hosting! I love the subway art frame. I so want a Silhouette Cameo. I think I got the hubs pining to get me one ;)

  15. افضل شركات جدة للخدمات المنزلية التي تقدم خدمات نقل العفش مع الفك والتركيب بالضمان تلك هي افضل شركات نقل اثاث بجده التي تمتلك امكانيات كبيرة لأعمال نقل العفش في مدينة جدة وما جاورها من مناطق تابعة لها وقد نضطر قبل نقل العفش الى تنظيف المنزل الجديد قبل نقل الاغراض اليه من الداخل ومن الخارج وذلك بالتواصل مع شركات تنظيف المنازل بجده المتمكنة بأعمال التنظيف العام للمنازل الجديدة والمنازل المفروشة مثل شركات تنظيف الكنب بجدة التي تقدم امكانيات غسيل الموكيت والكنب في الموقع لكي يتم تعقيم المنزل ومن الاحسن ان تقوم بعمل مكافحة للحشرات الموجودة بالمنزل بواسطة احسن شركات مكافحه الحشرات بجدة تلك التي تتعامل في مكافحة الحشرات ورش المبيدات وتستخدم مبيدات آمنة ومضمونة ونحتاج ايضا الى تنظيف الخزان وذلك بالتعرف والتواصل مع افضل شركات تنظيف الخزانات بجده التي تقدم افضل الخدمات الجيدة في تنظيف وتعقيم الخزانات لكي تحافظ على الماء نظيفا ومعقما اطول فترة زمنية ممكنة لكي تكون مياهك نظيفة فان افضل شركات مكافحة الحشرات المضمونة ومستعدة لاستقبال مكالمتكم في أي وقت وطلب الخدمة من شركات تنظيف خزانات المياه المضمونة والتي تقدم خدمات باحترافية

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