January 26, 2012

14 Days of Love: Sweetheart Banner!

Welcome to the second day of 14 Days of Love!  Yesterday The 36th Avenue showed us a tutorial for a cute Valentine Mirror and tomorrow the lovely Janette from The Johanson Journey will be giving us another fun Valentine tutorial!!

14 days, 14 bloggers, 14 tutorials. And, then? THEN we're having a super-cool link party for YOUR amazing stuff. As if that's not enough, it all ends in a MASSIVE giveaway from our wonderful sponsors! You will definitely want to follow along by heading over to The Johanson Journey tomorrow!

(and, if you came today for my Thursday link party, it started a day early this week. Go here to link up!)

But, first, let me show you how I made this simple, no-sew Valentine Banner from a $0.79 Ikea tea towel and supplies from my own stash!

I wanted my banner to have a vintage, farmhouse vibe and this towel fit the bill. The fabric is super soft and feels as if it's been washed several dozen times (and maybe line-dried on a warm, breezy day!). 

I chose not to finish my edges because I wanted to keep it simple and shabby.

(And, well...I don't sew. But, you already knew that.)

For my banner, I cut six equal rectangles and I kept the bottom hem intact. I cut my rectangular pieces from the long sides of the banner. When I had my 6 pieces, I removed the hem from the two short sides to be used as my banner ties. 

I cut a tiny slit in each corner and attached the rectangles end to end with brass brads. I attached the ties the same way. Easy as can be! 

I used my vinyl cutter to spell out my word, but instead of using the letters, I used the negative space. This created a sticky stencil attached directly to the towel pieces! If you don't have a vinyl cutter, simply cut letters from contact paper. Easy enough solution! 

With my vinyl stencils in place, I painted the letters with a round, stiff paint brush, using a stippling technique.

I allowed that to dry for....oh, 1 minute. What can I say, I'm impatient. And, removing the stencil is the BEST part!  

(But, you should let it dry for longer than that. Do as I say, not as I do.)

In the end I had a pretty, shabby Sweetheart banner to adorn my newly chalkboard-painted table. Tomorrow I'm having a few friends over for a Valentine Card Making Party. I can already see this table holding the delicious yummies we'll be enjoying!

(a pretty, crystal cake plate holding Glazed Champagne & White Chocolate Sugar Cookies? Maybe so!) 

And, because I love participating in 14 Days of Love, I'm sharing some love with you in the form of this sweet Happy "Heart" Day printable! Print it and enjoy (from my heart to yours!). 

Right click. Save. Print.

Are you loving this LOVE series?? A huge thanks to Ashley from Cherished Bliss for throwing this shindig! If you haven't stopped by her site to say hi and follow her awesomeness, do so now! You really will NOT regret it!

Cherished Bliss

I'll see you tomorrow at The Johanson Journey

This event is sponsored by…
Lily Bella Fabric Ribbon Jar Whimsy Couture Seemingly Smitten
Book Craft image The Little Bird Vixen Made
Joonie Beads Merdith's little shop Liberty Original
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Yep! I link up to these parties  and Thrifty Decor Chick


  1. I love the rough edges on your banner. Very vintage-y!

  2. Your joy is spilling out of my computer....I will just have to join the party now! Love the banner and the vignette!

  3. Such a "sweet" idea. I am loving all of the Vday things around. If I could just finish this silly gallery wall I might be able to make a heart or something red, or a cute banner!!!

  4. LOVE IT! You did a great job. Love the banner from one non-sewer to another!

  5. I'm a new follower! What a cute banner, thanks for the tutorial!! =) Happy Valentines Day!

  6. Gorgeous! I LOVE your SWEET vignette LOTS!!! Great printable, too! XO, Aimee

  7. This is so fun following along. But of course I would enjoy any impatient creative gal who can't sew. Emphasis on the can't sew part - then I don't feel so alone.


  8. How fun is that??!!! Thank you for showing me how. I'm going to try a spring one!

  9. Your Valentines banner rocks! I am ready to go back to Ikea.

  10. I LOVE this banner Emily! Your whole table looks just plain awesome!! and I'm totally going to have to use your printable for my kids valentine party!! : )

    Thank you so much for being a part of the 14 Days of love! I am so lucky to have you participate : )

  11. darling :) we need to talk vinyl, girl!!

  12. Emily your banner is so cute I love it...and pretty printable too.

  13. Very cute! I love the banner and the table is fabulous :)

  14. Super Sweet and Super Cute!! Love that!! Its even something I Could do!! I love the ease of a project... too many rules and directions get me all flustered!! Following you and glad to be doing this with you!

  15. Ooh love this! And is it impressive or sad that I knew it was an IKEA towel right away? LOL :)

  16. Absolutely adorable, love it!!! Happy to be alongside all of you fine ladies!! ;) Michelle

  17. I love it Emily such a great job!! If I decorated for Valentines Day I would definately try this...I am enjoying seeing all the V-Day goodies though!! This could also work with other color towels and phrases....hmmmmm!

  18. Yes please! Tea towels and tacks...I love it!

  19. Absolutely GORGEOUS, Emily! I love how the whole vignette (you are the QUEEN of the vignette) came out!

    I really hope you'll link this up tomorrow for my Free-for-All party! : )

  20. OMG! This is perfect {I don't sew either!}. :) Hopping on over from Freckled Laundry - this banner idea is just TOO CUTE as is your blog. Happy to be your newest follower. Have a great day!


  21. So pretty and festive! I love the idea of using tea towels...going on pinterest!
    You should join me for Handmade 52 http://www.raisingoranges.blogspot.com

  22. Your banner is so "sweet" hehe. Love it.

  23. What a great idea! I'd never think to use towels for a banner! Genius! Would you consider sharing here if you haven't already?


  24. This whole vignette is just wonderful. I really love the idea of using towels for the banner. No sew is always great! I wanted to share your wonderful banner with my readers. Come check it out!


  25. Your banner is adorable and so is the printable {thanks for sharing it!} I love, love your vintage window too.
    Have a great weekend!
    Laurie @ Gallamore West :)

  26. LOVE this banner idea!! What a great idea to use a dishtowel and keep the bottom hemmed edge. The vintage look with the doilies at the top is picture perfect. :))

  27. I Love your Mantel great job! I printed your printable for my red 5x7 frame because I heart it so much!

  28. This is a wonderful banner idea and looks so cute!!!!

  29. It all looks wonderful! Love the banner!

  30. That mantle is so, so, SO cute! The banner is yummy! Thanks so much for sharing at the Tuesday To Do Party!

  31. What a great idea, very simple and cute. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Adorable decor! I would love for you to link up with my party at: http://anoriginalbelle.blogspot.com/2012/01/make-it-yourself-monday-13-link-up.html

    Each week, three items get featured!

  33. I've been meaning to come over and see this project {after seeing it all over blogland this week!} I'm pinning it right now!!! You could do this with any cute little tea towels or even dish towels. They have some really cute zig zig ones at Target right now that I've been eying. Just sayin' in case you go to Target 3 or more times a week like I do :) Love your banner!

  34. Gorgeous! Love the banner and the doilies adds such perfect finishing touches! Visiting from Overflowing linky party. Best, My

  35. Economical AND cute! It's the perfect vintage, cottage look. Visiting from Aimee's party. :-)

  36. I like the printable, its really sweet.
    Feel free to link up on my blogs linky party!

  37. Another fan of the banner here--great way to use a towel!!

  38. Oh that is such a "sweet" banner for Valentine's Day. So cute! I also love those jars with the doilies :-)
    Stopping by from Crafty, Scrappy, Happy

  39. I absolutely love this! It is so cute & such a fun idea!
    Just wanted to invite you to share this at Sharing Time! Would love to have you over there! :)
    ( http://heathernow.blogspot.com/search/label/sharing%20time )

  40. This is sooooo cute!! I love all banners but this one takes the cake :D

  41. Hi Emily,

    Stopping by for the first time and really enjoyed your tutorial for making this sweet banner. All from a tea towel! Wow.

    So nice to meet you!
    Kindly, Lorraine

  42. Thanks so much for linking up to Your Whims Wednesday, I featured you on my blog tonight! Come check it out and grab a featured button: http://www.mygirlishwhims.blogspot.com/2012/02/your-whims-wednesday-45-and-features.html

  43. I saw your banner on My Girlish Whims--so SO cute! Great blog! I'm a blogger for Goodwill and I write about diy/crafting, etc. www.goodlifeblog.org. Have a great day!

  44. This is such a fun and cute banner! Thanks so much for joining us on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We loved having you and hope to see you back next Saturday with more great ideas! -The Sisters

  45. I know the focus of this is the banner - but I LOVE the use of the old window frame!! I might have to go looking for one of those...

  46. Sorry. For some reason FB didnt post my last two features. Your feature is up now! :)


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