
March 12, 2012

A Fresh, Green Mantel

I set out to create a St. Patrick's Day mantel for this, our 26th, Mantel Monday. But, the thing is, I don't have any St. Patty's Day decor, nor did I craft any for the occasion. I just had too many other things on my plate. And, let's face it, lots of bloggers were doing such an awesome job at St. Patty-ing it up, my contribution wasn't really all that necessary. 

So, instead of going with a full-blown, St. Pat's themed mantel, I picked the aspect of the holiday I most enjoy: GREEN...and ran with it! And, let me just say, no one around here is gettin' pinched this year. Because we are green to the max. 

To get started, I  headed to my neighborhood Dollar Tree to see what they had in the form of green. And, I came home with 2 striped scarves, plus a three-pack of socks. $3 well spent! 

This black, single-pane window usually hangs in my kitchen, but you know how I love playing swap-a-roo in my house. I removed my kitchen art from the window and replaced it with my striped scarves. I simply cut each one into 2 pieces and push-pinned them to the back of the window frame. To achieve the cool "wave", I pinned the scarves at varying tensions. This was a 5 minute project. Seriously. 

(and, to me the green and white feels very you may see it again. St. Patty can share.)

Things you learn about me in this post:

I can't help but mix white and off-white, kelly green and apple green, shiny and old. Sometimes I try not to mix. And, it gives me a headache. So, I go back to mixin'. 


I am not opposed to decorating with scarves and...socks. From the dollar store. 

Oh, m'goodness, this is a long post. And, I haven't even addressed the fact that I totally glossed over this being our TWENTY-SIXTH Mantel!! Half way there, folks. I feel like we should have confetti rain on our heads. But, that would be messy. And, who always cleans up the messes? Momma.

Yes, let's skip the confetti. 

But, don't go anywhere yet because last week I promised you some St. Patty's Day Mantel Features. And, here they are, in all of their festive goodness! Thanks to the mantel-scapers for linking up their mantels at Thursdays are YOUR Days and our ONGOING Mantel Link Party.


Wilbur Road
A Nigh Owl

Missy G
Two Yellow Birds Decor 
Happy Canadian Home

A Little Something in the Meantime

Austin & Jean

(Like what you see? Follow 52 Mantels!)
52 Mantels52 Mantels52 Mantels

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Yep! I link up! 


  1. Love it! Love, love, love the items you used to get that look!

    Nice work.
    @ Creatively Living

  2. What a great idea using unexpected items from the Dollar Store. You are so creative and the mantel looks terrific!

  3. Emily, it is gorgeous! So beautiful and original!
    WOW! You are so good at this!

  4. OMG-what a fabulous idea with the socks! I love that this could be s springy mantel too...just in case you forget to take it down after St. Patty's day :D

  5. Nice job Emily! I love that you threw it all together without having done a lot of St. Patrick's Day projects. You are so clever!

  6. I LOVE your mantel and all of its creative, frugal and great details!

  7. Your mantel is gorgeous!! I love it!!
    Thanks for featuring my mantel!! I feel so honored!

  8. This looks great Emily! I was trying to figure out what that awesome fabric was {before I read the part about them being dollar store scarves}... that is genious! Why have I never thought of looking for a scarf at the dollar store?? Love it all!

  9. How cute! I love all of the green -- you're right, so festive but at the same time really Spring-y! I, too, love the mixture of white and green. Just beautiful.

  10. Thank you for featuring my Spring Mantel! I do a little happy dance when another blogger features my creativity!

  11. Very resourceful! Great chevron pattern too, go $store! Thanks for linking up at Burlap & Denim.

  12. Sooo creative. Your mantel turned out so crisp and fresh looking. Love your ideas.
    I'm happy to be a new follower, Mary Alice

  13. Emily, you are so creative!!! I never would have thought to turn a striped scarf into a chevron-ish design. It looks fabulous! They sell some interesting clothing at Canadian Dollar Stores, but this will definitely make me look more carefully. Another inspiring mantel!

    Claire @

  14. As always, awesome mantel!! So creative with the sock idea!!

  15. I am loving this mantel girl!! Socks?? Who would have thought!?

  16. I would have never thought to reuse a sock like that! It looks great:) Whenever you decorate your mantel it is always so cute and you have so many different elements added to it! I love it:)

  17. I love all the green! It totally looked like you used more expensive materials.. until you said it all came from the dollar store. Blown away ;) Love it friend!

  18. I spy with my little eye a tiny white vase on your mantle that I have on mine! lol I found it at Goodwill last week for a whopping 0.59 while I was doing my weekly (sometimes daily) 5 in 5 routine (5 minutes in a store and can only purchase items under $5). I always love your mantles and your love for "all things white":)) I wish I could convince my hubby to remove the gigantic big screen from above the mantle...I use my piano as a mantle place and have been inspired by your blog many times!! Keep em coming!

  19. I always love your mantles. You just seem to whip them up so effortlessly! Beautiful!

  20. I cannot believe those are dollar store scarfs! What a find! I love this mantel!

  21. Beautiful mantel. I love the pops of white against the green.

    I featured it on my TT&J FB page :)


  22. That is cute, cute, cute! I would love for you to come by and link this up to my party happening NOW! I would love to see you there!
    Stacey of embracing Change

  23. I'm all about the socks! I've kept old socks and used them for a wreath and bean dolls for my girls. I love your idea! Thanks!

  24. I love all these mantels, such great inspiration!

  25. I have that same tall white vase on my mantel. Actually, I have two -- one on either side of my TV that hangs over the mantel. That's the bad thing about having a TV hanging above the mantel is that it's a bit tricky to decorate around!

  26. Oh my gosh, you are so clever using socks! And I seriously want to get to our Dollar Store to look for those scarves. Love the green & white mantel!

  27. Beautiful, as always! I can't believe that those are Dollar Tree socks and scarves! Thanks for sharing!

    Take care,


  28. Hi Emily!
    Featured you today! Come by to see and grab a button! I hope you come back Thursday for our next party!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  29. Hey Emily, this is a fantastic St Patty's Day mantel! I love that you found a new use for dollar store socks!! Thanks for partying at my place!

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